About Us
The Clean Vehicle Assistance Program was launched in 2018 through a partnership between Beneficial State Foundation and the California Air Resources Board, funded by California Climate Investments (CCI). Our goal is to make environmentally-friendly vehicles accessible and affordable to all.
Beneficial State Foundation
Beneficial State Foundation is a team of equity champions who are passionate about advancing financial justice and impactful systemic change. As a bank owner, investor, and practitioner, we bridge the work of grassroots organizations, policy makers, professional associations, and the banking industry to further triple-bottom-line banking. As both a nonprofit shareholder of Beneficial State Bank and an advocacy organization, we are able to evaluate the social and environmental impact of the bank while engaging in policy advocacy for systemic change. Under this unique model, when profits are distributed from Beneficial State Bank to Beneficial State Foundation, our foundation reinvests those profits back into local communities.

California Air Resources Board
The Clean Vehicle Assistance Program is funded by California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Our Partners
Our partners are essential to our service. We work together to serve the communities that have the highest barriers to clean vehicle ownership. If you are interested in our work and would like to partner, please get in touch with us at cleanvehicles@beneficialstate.org !
Community Advisors
Román Partida-Lopez, The Greenlining Institute
Jorge Ruiz, Beneficial State Bank
Kathlyn Mead, B Quest Foundation
Wells Brown, Rising Sun Center for Opportunity
Jill Sherman-Warne, Native American Environmental Protection Coalition